Cultural Sanctification

A conversation with Stephen O. Presley on the early church and its approach to the world

Interview | Cultural Sanctification

by The Reading Wheel Review

We live in a time when there are many competing voices attempting to encourage Christians to respond to the world in many different and often conflicting ways. This has created a fractured world and a fractured church. We hope that our content this month has provided some hope that by appealing to common sources of Christian wisdom, that all of us—Christian or not—can find ways to make the world a better place in constructive ways. Dr. Stephen Presley, senior fellow in religion and public life at the CRCD and author of Cultural Sanctification: Engaging the World Like the Early Church, joins CRCD executive director Trey Dimsdale for an engaging discussion on bridging divides, engaging the world, and building and preserving institutions on this week’s Reading Wheel Review podcast.

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Physical books are at once a conduit for conveying complex and well-developed ideas and an artifact of the time and place from which they come. Beginning January 2024, each month the Reading Wheel Review (RWR) will select one book to engage and then each week we will publish a different engagement with that text, typically a review, an excerpt, a substantively related essay, or an interview with the author or a figure who works in the field represented by the book we’ve selected. We look forward to sustained engagement with a variety of books, both new and old, as we launch and grow the RWR. Sign up to keep connected.